Standard 2 - Skill and Fitness Based Competence

Skill and Fitness Based Competence*

Physical education teacher candidates are
physically educated individuals with the
knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate
competent movement performance and health
enhancing fitness as delineated in the NASPE K –
12 Standards.
Elements – Teacher candidates will:

2.1 Demonstrate personal competence in motor
skill performance for a variety of physical
activities and movement patterns.

2.2 Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level
of fitness throughout the program.

2.3 Demonstrate performance concepts related to
skillful movement in a variety of physical

* Without discrimination against those with
disabilities, physical education teacher
candidates with special needs are allowed and
encouraged to utilize a variety of
accommodations and/or modifications to
demonstrate competent movement and
performance concepts (modified/adapted
equipment, augmented communication devices,
multi-media devices, etc.) and fitness (weight
programs, exercise logs, etc.).